Healing through Social MediaI am currently working on my next Washington Times Communities story for my column with a focus on how social media heals. If you are a regular blogger and/or reader of blogs, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You probably won’t even read my story because you don’t need to be convinced of something you already “get” and feel. (I hope you at least share the story with others once it’s published tomorrow. Nudge, nudge.)Β Part of the focus will include sharing influential and life-changing blogs and Facebook pages that have personally helped me heal and have helped others heal.

In late August, I was approached by the creator of one of those Facebook pages, My Emotional Vampire (MEV), to help her facilitate the MEV community, which reached over 2000 followers almost overnight! I agreed, of course, because MEV was one of the FB pages I followed and commented on religiously, and I believed in the message of MEV wholeheartedly. I asked the creator (a beautiful Canadian) to provide me with a quote for my Washington Times story, and this is what she provided:

“Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who appears to have two personalities? Jekyll and Hyde. You are his princess, and he is holding you on a pedestal. You are the love of his life, and he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. You are spoiled with flowers, love songs, loving notes and promises of forever. Then, in the next breath, he is devaluing you, accusing you of cheating, or doing or saying inappropriate things with other men that you never even met, a figment of his own imagination!! He becomes jealous, controlling and possessive. You cant help but stand in one spot, stumped and scratching your head in confusion. Who behaves this way? Certainly not someone who is of sound mind, right?!”

“I took it upon myself to research his behavior and found Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Alarm bells went off!! I was in a relationship with a Borderline who was very Narcissistic, and my safety and that of my children were very much at risk of further emotional and mental abuse.”

“I pride myself on being very analytical, and I had a strong need to understand more about these disorders and why I ended up in this type of relationship. I had so many questions within myself that I needed answers to, and I was determined to not end up in this same trap in the future. If I was feeling this way, how many others out there were feeling this way too? I took it upon myself to help educate others about Cluster B Personality Disorders by starting My Emotional Vampire Facebook page as a way for me to vent my own pain and struggles.Β I also hoped that others would learn from my own experience and in turn this would help them walk away from their abusive relationship and stay away. If I could do it, they could do it!”

“In just a few short months with our help, over 20 women have left their abusive partners, entered safe houses, and/or moved in with friends temporarily. Myself and the other administrators receive messages daily from women thanking us for saving their lives and educating them about these disorders.”

“Although, I am now healing well emotionally and mentally from my abusive relationship, I take it upon myself to continue to educate and empower women and men who suffer abuse at the hands of these Personality Disordered Individuals. I will continue to fight against Domestic Violence, even if it means saving just one woman or man per month. They cannot be changed, save yourself, wish them well and walk away. You will find happiness one day, they never will.” ~MEV

I can’t include the entire message in my story, but I wanted to share it on my blog to encourage others to join the healing conversation and “Like” My Emotional Vampire on Facebook. MEV is administered by six (6) women from across the world, women who have experienced abuse and were able to escape.

We are all on a healing journey together back to peace. Namaste!

9 responses to “Healing through Social Media? Yes!”

  1. GayeLynn Avatar

    I am SO with Melanie stating the fact how Word Press has helped in MANY ways.
    Emotionally, (I thought I was the ONLY victim) it has made me SO strong.
    They say POWER in KNOWLEDGE but I had no IDEA that POWER ALso meant SELF ESTEEM!
    Something very foreign to me as I never had it.

    Besides my blog, I found MANY more to follow and followed you, Paula, unbeknownst to me, lol! right into the MEV page on FB.

    I never realized a person with an addictive personality to “things” can TRANSfer that addiction into “persons!”
    I could NOT understand WHY I kept going BACK until I realized that!
    I didn’t go back for safety, love, admiration, compliments, not even the GREAT sex but more from my ADDICTION to him!
    He was my PROJECT and I was deTERmined to FIX the UNfixable!!
    I have traded the addiction of HIM into the addiction of blogs/pages/POWER and for right now, I’d have to say it’s been the only GOOD addiction I have had thus far in my life!!

    I am SO thankful for as far as we have ALL come.
    MEANING…not that we want to walk around and label each and every person we come in contact with, but we ARE able to label the REAL DEAL and KNOW that it WASN’T US!!!

    My Mom didn’t HAVE this knowledge and I don’t think many women did until VERY recently. (??)
    We only had 2~Bitch and Prick.
    These were people that we would stay with because we have HOPE in being able to fix and if not fix, look past.
    OR…these were people that we chose to not to get to know better as they weren’t worth our time.
    Not that way anymore.
    Now that we have the POWER of knowledge knowing that SOME do deserve labels and some of the LABELED are sadly, just NOT fixable. 😦

    I FINally left (RAN like he so many times did from ME) 5 days ago and I am having NO problem with this choice this time. πŸ™‚
    I am IN total control and I LOVE it!


    1. Paula Avatar

      I am so happy for you! I know you have been struggling lately, and I know you are going to stick with your gut this time because you know there is nothing we or anyone can do or say that will make him a better, more lovable person. You have no idea how happy I am for you GayeLynn! No idea! You deserve a life filled with happiness and joy and peace. You took action. I hope you are proud of yourself for putting YOU first, finally. XOXO ~Paula


  2. Melanie Avatar

    I can’t believe how much more excellerated my healing has been since joining WordPress and sharing my story. I no longer have to keep stories and conversations in my head because I can put them here, organized into categories for future reference. I have also had dozens of “ah-ha!” moments, learned with absolute certainity that I am not alone, and received support I never expected.


    1. Melanie Avatar

      Bad spelling…sorry (accelerated & certainty, not excellerated & certainity). And it’s not even Monday…


    2. Paula Avatar

      It’s had the exact same effect on me! Where I was 8 months ago is a place I NEVER, EVER want to be in my mind again. πŸ™‚


  3. buckwheatsrisk Avatar

    this is amazing keep going you are making such a difference! you’ve made one in my life! xo


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you, Zoe. πŸ™‚


  4. pajcaigaius Avatar

    Reblogged this on pajcaigaius and commented:


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you for reposting! πŸ™‚
