addictive-blogAddictions can be bad. But if you’re addicted to reading my blog, that has to be good, right?!?

I was honored with this award by, a blog that I am addicted to and have been ever since the first post I read six months ago. You can read more about why she blogs here.

Award Rules:

  1. Thank the person awarding you.
  2. Share a little about why you blog and how the journey started.
  3. Paste the blog award on your page.
  4. Nominate 10 other bloggers you feel deserve the award.

Why I Blog:
I started blogging in 2005, just after I discovered I was pregnant with my son. We were living in Colorado, but our family was back east in Florida, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. It wasn’t easy to travel and share the joy we were experiencing as expecting new parents, so I started my blog (originally on Blogger. The horror! Hehehe!)

My family enjoyed the images and my postings, but they never commented. (As a blogger, comments and “likes” boost me. They’re important to my writing energy.) So, without these seemingly little (but HUGE in my mind) things, I felt like I was doing a whole lot of writing for nothing. My posts became fewer and fewer, and my motivation had deflated completely by 2008.

Unfortunate events, twists and turns of life, and basic desperation to be heard and understood provided me the necessary motivation to begin blogging again in January 2012. I was full-steam ahead but blinded by so much I had been holding inside and couldn’t decide where to focus. I wrote about yoga and abuse and sociopaths and alcoholism. People and bloggers quickly started following me and commenting and kept me REALLY motivated. I was connecting with others who had experienced similar pain, frustrations, and road blocks in life; and they “got me!” It was empowering and overwhelming.

Fast forward six months. Today. If not for this outlet, I wouldn’t have been able to unburden my mind of so much pain and discomfort. I never would have been able to find the passion and courage to write and publish my book “Escaping the Boy: My Life with a Sociopath” or apply for consideration to become a staff writer with The Washington Times Communities.

My blogging experience has blessed me with life-changing energy and a desire to be a better person. As noted in the About section of this blog, my life is definitely not rainbows and butterflies, but I have learned through writing and sharing that I am not alone in my struggles to find and maintain my happiness. I’ve also learned that it’s okay to fall down as long as I am willing to ask for help getting back up. There’s nothing more powerful than community, and the blogging community has helped lift me higher than I ever thought possible. Thank you, readers and followers. Namaste!

I’m Addicted to these Blogs:

28 responses to “Why I blog and “The Addictive Blog Award””

  1. ansuyo Avatar

    Congratulations! A true honor 🙂 Angie


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you, Angie!


  2. iamallsmiles Avatar

    Congratulations, Paula! It is well deserved.


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you! I read the comment on your recent post from an ex-girlfriend of your X. The universe tosses in a dash of motivation and affirmation when we least expect it and need it the most. 🙂


    2. iamallsmiles Avatar

      Oh boy, does it ever. Was that perfect or what?!!


  3. […] healthy to me!  It was great to be nominated for an “Addictive Blog” award by Paula at Paula’s Pontifications.  Her blog is relatively new to me, but I’m glad I’ve discovered.  She is also an […]


  4. katybrandes Avatar

    Thanks for the nomination, Paula! I’ve enjoy your perspectives via your blog, too. My experience with blogger is very similar with little response, so I use it for my fabulous feminist rants. (lol) I’m happier blogging on here as well.


  5. Ruth Avatar

    thank you Paula for nominating me. and I see have some homework to do. and more reading. lol
    I really am pleased that you nominated me. wow.


  6. gertmcqueen Avatar

    the attention is always welcomed…thank you
    I’m going to repost your annoucement about your article position


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you, Gert.


    2. gertmcqueen Avatar

      your welcome


  7. gertmcqueen Avatar

    Congrats! Paula…great work!
    and I see that you nominated my sister, how nice!
    we have seen and felt the power that does come when you have a outlet for being heard, where no one can tell you to shut up!
    where you can get it all out, not always in any sequence or order, but, as you write you start to see all those loose ends that you couldn’t see before or if you saw them you didn’t know how they made and sense or how to made them whole

    excellent work Paula


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you, Gert! I wanted to nominate all of “the sisters” blogs, but thought I’d pick one in hopes of bringing some attention to all of them. 🙂


  8. itsallaboutmenow2012 Avatar

    Wow Paula!! Woo-hoo, thank so much for nominating my humble rambling angry blog for the Addictive Blog Award! Too cool. You are an inspiration and a half and I am truly honored to be thought of for this award, thanks with love.


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you. You have some amazing art and thoughtful words to share. I’m glad I found you.


  9. Jay Cuzey Avatar
    Jay Cuzey

    Paula, thank you for the nomination. I think my primary reason for blogging is to give myself the opportunity to take incoherent but interesting thoughts and try to make them coherent, and hopefully have some fun along the way (I’m still convinced there’s such a thing as a learning libido – an energy that pushes you to have realizations that get rewarded by that “eureka!” feeling).

    I also thoroughly enjoy being in the company of a thoughtful and motivated blogging community. I’m sure most bloggers have their eyes on publications or peer-reviewed articles, and it is nice to catch the thoughts of thoughtful people as they push through this bottleneck.


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you, Jay. Peer-reviewed articles would definitely be nice. One day! 🙂


  10. kimberlyharding Avatar

    Thanks fo the nomination! More importantly, I really enjoyed reading your “back story”. I have learned so much from your blog, I guess I had thought you had been at this for years in terms of the topics you have tackled. JAnuary 2012 seems so recent. I think what I have appreciated most is that you don’t hold back. I am thinking of your recent post titled along the lines “You know she is a sociopath, so why don’t you say it?” or something like that. That level of honesty made me realize how much I still like to cover up some things about others. Thanks again and congrats 🙂


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you. I have learned that holding in our thoughts doesn’t help us find claity, especially when we are dead-wrong about something. We need help with our perceptions sometimes. Blogging invites that help, I think. 🙂


  11. sexinmiami Avatar

    Paula, thank you for the compliment I am truly honored . You are an inspiration to so many. I don’t even think you know how many people you touch with your honesty and your story. Your comments and post kept me inspired to keep sharing my own story.
    You put a face and a name to the evil and deceit that I had just been through and that i cannot thank you enough for 🙂


    1. Paula Avatar

      I’m glad I stumbled upon your blog. (I didn’t really stumble upon it. I found it through the topics search. I think you labeled a post with “emotional abuse” or something like that, and I was tracking that topic. Go figure!) I still need to make those meatballs. 🙂


  12. buckwheatsrisk Avatar

    Congrats! i blogged with blogger (oh the horror) for a time too, go no responses and quickly deflated…this community is so wonderfully different and the people on here like yourself keep me motivated too…it helps a lot when you know someone is listening and can also relate! xo


    1. Paula Avatar

      I’m glad I’m not the only one who gave up on Blogger. Hehe!


    2. buckwheatsrisk Avatar

      lol no i am too, it really isn’t the same is it?


    3. Paula Avatar

      Not at all, Zoe.


  13. meandanxiety Avatar

    Congrats on the award! 😀


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you. I’ve just started reading your blog. 🙂


    2. meandanxiety Avatar

      Same here! Am following and looking forward to reading more! 🙂
