Yoga Guru Be Gone!

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We are each our own guru. Never stop questioning and evolving your light! Namaste!


In this information age, it is becoming clearer that individuals are more autonomous than ever, and we are actually entering into an era where mentors are becoming less common. The same applies in the yoga world. As yogis develop a better understanding of whatever yoga they are practicing and begin to comprehend the basic form of postures and the will required to execute them, so-called gurus will become somewhat scarce.

I’ve always been of the opinion that admiring someone too much can have an adverse effect on the admirer because it relieves him or her of the accountability accompanied by potential greatness. Greatness can be a daunting responsibility, no doubt. It would seem much easier to let others be giants and simply follow in their path, all the while staying just below the bar they have set. Too many budding protégés have fallen prey to this common formula, but I…

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