The Twisted, F#&%ing Sociopath. {image}

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6 responses to “The Twisted, F#&%ing Sociopath. {image}”

  1. behindthemaskofabuse Avatar

    that’s funny and says it all!


  2. Sex, Spirit, Soul Mates and Chocolate....Ivonne's Journey Avatar

    It’s so true they come off as these gentle, good souls when in reality they are the predator.


    1. Paula Avatar

      And they covet our identities because they have no fucking clue how to create and nurture one of their own. Hehe! This image just struck me as too funny and fitting when I stumbled upon it on Pinterest.


  3. Becki Duckworth Avatar

    Oh no I love rabbits , why am I always drawn to the sociopaths !!


  4. idodoyouride Avatar

    ive tried to remain friends and on good terms with my sociopath, doesn’t work, yesterday I closed that door forever and I feel nothing but relief. a long ways from the devastation I experienced a year ago. there is nothing NORMAL ABOUT A SOCIOPATH. just one big mind f@#* !!!!!


  5. kimberlyharding Avatar

    Awesome!! Cuts through that illusion that if we are just nice enough or friendly enough we can relate to a sociopath as a “normal” person.
