Red Riding Hood Project

normal_red_riding_hood_by solawolf

Dress up as Red Riding Hood this Halloween and take a stand against domestic violence and intimate partner abuse.

We can make our voices heard without saying a word. October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and, of course, the month of Halloween and dressing up like witches, goblins, superheroes, cartoon characters, movie characters, and just about anything we can express wearing a costume. I thought I’d help make the decision of what to wear this Halloween a little easier for all of us.

Men and women who have been victims of or who know someone who has been a victim of domestic violence or intimate partner abuse can help increase awareness just by wearing a red cape with a hood, similar to the one in the image provided.

Related article: Domestic Violence and the Red Riding Hood Project

WASHINGTON, August 17, 2012—National Domestic Violence Awareness month is October, less than six weeks away. October is also, of course, the month of Halloween. Neighborhood stores are already displaying bags of candy corn, costumes, and treat bags.

The decision of what to “go as” is quickly approaching.

This Halloween, dress up as Red Riding Hood. Who doesn’t know the story of Red Riding hood? Read the rest of the article now.

15 responses to “Red Riding Hood Project”

  1. ileen Avatar

    I, too, have been the victim of a narcissist sociopath (but for MUCH longer. His MO was somewhat different, but the emotional abuse for the same. I was recently contacted by his most recent victim and, together, we are getting her away from him.


    1. Paula Avatar

      I’m very happy you are able to help her. Ileen. Being believed and understood is vital to our ability to get out and recover from the nightmare. Your support is invaluable to his current victim.


  2. calicoinsite Avatar

    The twisted sadist/psychopath/sociopath/narcissist/mind-controller got his girlfriend/soul mate to dress up as Red and he dressed up as the wolf…That’s totally twisted.


    1. Paula Avatar

      It truly is twisted. Uuugghh! 😦


  3. Immigration Advicers in Southend- on- sea Avatar

    I’m extremely inspired together with your writing talents as well as with the layout to your blog. Is this a paid subject or did you customize it your self? Anyway keep up the excellent high quality writing, it is rare to peer a great blog like this one today..


    1. Betrayed & Broken in the Bay Avatar
      Betrayed & Broken in the Bay

      Can you advise if they would be repeating the Red Riding Hood Project this year?


    2. Paula Avatar

      I’m so sorry I did not reply to your message sooner! Hopefully, I’ll have more opportunity and time to create a real campaign/project for Halloween 2014. Regardless of any official project, I’ll be dressing up as Red Riding Hood this year! 🙂 ❤


  4. Ray's Mom Avatar

    Some people just never WANT to get it.


    1. Paula Avatar

      Ain’t that the truth!!! 🙂


  5. He’s so bad, no one wants to dress up like him even for Halloween! « Paula's Pontifications Avatar

    […] AboutBuy My BookIdentifying a Narcissistic SociopathYoga & MeditationAbuseEmotional AbusePhysical AbuseRed Riding Hood Project […]


  6. Jan Brown Avatar

    I was a bit challenged initially myself with putting the two i.e. Riding Hood and domestic violence, together. However, your analogy above clarified things. Thanks!


  7. Logan Avatar

    I guess what I’m saying is.. the wolf is a stranger to Riding Hood. The abuse takes place by the acts of the wolf and Riding Hood is the victim. In domestic abuse/violence the abuser is not a stranger to the victim. Domestic abuse/violence occurs in an intimate relationship or marriage.
    I love the idea of this project and was wondering if you can help me with this part of the parallel.


    1. Paula Avatar

      The wolf is no more a stranger to Red Riding Hood than a man/woman who becomes the enemy of their partner through abuse and control. It’s the mask of sincerity, the mask of care, the mask of love, and all of the other masks an abuser uses that makes him like the wolf who friended Red Riding Hood and earned her trust and admiration upon meeting for the first time. The analogy lies in the deception not in the length of knowing someone. You could know someone for years and not really know them if they are deceiving you. The wolf as deceiver is how you might want to look at it; not wolf as long-time lover or mate. Don’t we generally know within a few moments of meeting someone if there is a love connection…usually? Do we know within those first minutes that we have been deceived? Not usually. I hope that helps a bit, Logan.


  8. Logan Avatar

    If the Little Red Riding Hood story is to bring awareness to Domestic violence, how does the wolf represent the abuser in domestic violence if Red Riding Hood never met him/her?


    1. Paula Avatar

      Is someone being abused/attacked through the Internet? Sounds like a case of stalking by a stranger. I guess I’m not quite certain what you mean? Maybe you can elaborate.


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