gatsbyEntitlement is dangerous. Entitlement mixed with delusion is lethal. Sociopaths are lethal.

Entitlement is when a person believes he has the right to own or possess any “thing” or any “person” he desires. An entitled person believes his mere existence qualifies him as unique, special and somehow more deserving than others and above all laws and moral codes.

Sociopaths believe they are entitled.

Entitled sociopaths do not work or strive for what they have. They simply take it.

But the sociopath will argue that he does deserve what he has and what he takes. The sociopath will argue that he earned everything. He will argue that he worked long and hard to get what he has.

And the entitled sociopath is often very convincing in his arguments. Entitled sociopaths are good at justifying their con games. Entitled sociopaths believe that the art of arguing and conning people is synonymous with working hard.

How wrong could they be!?!?

Sociopaths are preposterous and delusional to believe they are somehow entitled to take everything they covet and desire. This kind of entitled thinking begets greater and greater delusions and results in the sociopath exerting greater and greater control over others in hopes of convincing others of the sociopath’s delusions.

The sociopath’s ultimate goal is to make you as delusional as he is. You must think as he thinks.


Well, for starters the sociopath can’t stand being surrounded by people who have independent thoughts. The sociopath is threatened by the creativity and ingenuity of others. If it doesn’t serve to propel the sociopath in status or reverence, the creativity and ingenuity of others is without purpose to the sociopath. He must be surrounded by people who think just as he thinks to feel complete and whole and powerful.

Once you become zombie-like and convinced of the sociopath’s delusions, the sociopath becomes that by which you measure all others. And once you start measuring all others against the sociopath’s delusions, a funny and ironic thing happens to your brain:

You become rewired to think that non-delusional people, people you once admired and respected, are the delusional ones and that the sociopath is completely sane and reasonable. You become convinced that the sociopath’s entitlement is justified and all others are simply too jealous or too stupid to understand.

“No wonder those people don’t like the sociopath! They’re just super jealous of the sociopath! Makes total sense now!”

Sociopaths are often successful in exerting their will onto us and making us zombie-like through influence and control. The greatest tool the sociopath has in his bag of tricks is his ability to invalidate us. The sociopath invalidates us with subtle language, suggestions and passive-aggressive behaviors:

  • You’re just not thinking clearly right now. Soon you will see things the way I see things.
  • Have you given enough thought to that idea you have? It seems you haven’t thought this through.
  • You’ve clearly been damaged by someone in the past. No wonder you don’t trust me. No wonder you lash out at me.
  • How could you be doing this again? Don’t you ever learn?

As soon as someone, anyone, begins using this type of language with you, be cautious about continuing the relationship. Better yet, don’t respond and stop engaging.

Unfortunately, it’s never that simple, is it? Our stubborn default is to become defensive. When confronted with a sociopath’s attempts to invalidate us, we seek answers and ask questions like:

  • Why would you say such a thing?
  • How could you think such things of me?
  • I thought you cared about me. I thought you thought I was smart.

These questions simply validate the sociopath’s invalidation of you, because if you have to question the question, you must be confused by what you believe to be real. And that’s exactly what the sociopath will keep asking you, too:

If you have to ask me, you must not understand what I’m saying. Let me explain it again.

(Oh, and he’s so sweet about it too, isn’t he? So helpful and open, huh? Pfft!)

And each time the sociopath re-words the same points, you continue to have the same questions. Why? Because it doesn’t make sense to your logical and free-thinking mind. Forcing someone to think just like you has never been a goal. So being confronted by a person who needs you to think just like him makes no sense. It goes against who you are and your understanding of the world. It causes confusion and even makes you question yourself. And once you start questioning your beliefs and measuring them against the sociopath’s beliefs, you’ve been caught in the web.

Ask yourself:

  • Am I confident in my abilities?
  • Do I really believe I am worthy of feeling the way I feel about life?
  • Am I convinced that I am just as important as the next person?

(The answer to these questions must be “yes.” If not, you have some work to do.)

If confronted by a sociopath, you must believe in yourself and your ability to be you. Otherwise, you’ll end up getting intoxicated by the confusion the sociopath spins, and your life and what you once knew of yourself and how you once thought about the world will spiral out of control. You will lose yourself to the control of the sociopath, giving him total and complete access and control over your life, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Learn to love yourself completely and learn to spot and recognize language that invalidates so you know not to react or respond to it. By not reacting or responding, you disarm the sociopath and force the sociopath to go in search of someone willing to take the bait.

The more people willing to take the bait, the stronger the sociopath’s entitlement and delusions become.

We can’t really blame the sociopath for being so delusional and feeling so entitled, can we? Wouldn’t you feel powerful too if people changed their entire perception of the world just because you told them to change it?

~ Paula

© Paula Carrasquillo and Paula’s Pontifications, 2012 – 2013.

57 responses to “The Sociopath Cocktail: Entitlement with a Splash of Delusion”

  1. SLG Avatar

    My mother is a sociopath but I couldn’t or wouldn’t see it and instead blamed myself for everything! I know when I was in foster care doctors told her that no I was destroying her life and that no it wasn’t all about her but she still insisted that I, her child was some evil creature hell bent on making problems for her. Every family meeting they held to try and help me would end in her turning on the water works and making everything about her. She retained the right to make decisions for me and my care even though I lived in foster and group homes so in the end I got no help, she made sure of it.
    I went through hell for 18 years! I was abused physically, sexually and emotionally for 18 years!
    For years I believed my mother could do no wrong, I believed she was a victim, I believed she loved me.I believed I was bad, unlovable, worthless and everything else she told me I was. I believed I had imagined the abuse even though it was in my medical records, even though doctors exams proved it, even though I could see it on xrays, even though I could remember it she convinced me otherwise, she convinced me that I was nuts.
    I cut her out of my life and my life got better, I got better and then she was back. She apologized to me for everything she had put me through, for things she had done to me and she seemed so genuine. I allowed her back into my life. I thought I was strong enough to handle her and I was for a couple of years.
    My therapist said no good would come of having my mother in my life and I didn’t believe her. She encouraged me to cut contact with my mother and I refused, I defended my mother, I felt sorry for my mother. I stopped seeing the therapist and kept on seeing my mother.
    For awhile things went well, I was able to be firm and consistent with her, I redirected conversations hundreds of time, I set boundaries and ensured she stayed within them and then I couldn’t.
    I have been dealing with some health problems and mommy dearest has been right there to “support” me, she has torn me apart emotionally and I am physically drained but of course she only did this because she “loves me” and “wants what is best for me”. After our last visit I broke down, I was a mess, I got high, something I had not done in over 10 years, something I swore I would never do again because I have come so far and I never want to be the person I was when I was on drugs That is when I realized who my mother was, who she is and who she will always be. That was when I decided never again will I allow her to destroy me.

    Thank you for writing this 🙂


  2. […] is a better article that shows that sociopaths are actually delusional fucks. Note on the author’s emphasis on SELF-ENTITLEMENT, and that everyone has to believe and […]


  3. perdido Avatar

    as I finally began to emerge from being hypnotized by my sociopath, one of the things that brought me out was when he began to believe the stuff about the FEMA camps. He was so very convinced of them and also about prepping for economic collapse etc and he became very angry when I didn’t fall into line with these beliefs and challenged him and I honestly couldn’t believe he was taken in by this bs so I told him drive me to where one of these supposed FEMA camps is so I can see it with my own eyes and investigate it myself otherwise I don’t want to hear anything else about it. I think that was when he realized that I wasn’t under his spell anymore either and the devaluing began to start. Looking back I can see so clearly what was happening but while I was involved it wasn’t clear at all unfortunately.


    1. Paula Avatar

      Always in hindsight…always. But thank goodness we’re in a place that we can think “in hindsight.” While with the abuser, everything is stagnant and piling up and piling up that nothing can be seen except a big gob of poop. So glad you’re out of that mess. 🙂


  4. Sofia Leo Avatar

    Reblogged this on I Won't Take It and commented:
    Entitlement. It’s the glue that holds the Narcissist’s world together. It all comes down to this – they feel entitled to treat you however they want to. You will be punished for disagreeing with whatever fresh hell they choose to inflict upon you and you will be worn down so far that fighting takes too much energy. You will give up. You will make excuses. You will lose your Self.

    Learn to recognize the signs of manipulation by a Sociopath and his near and dear cousins and purge them from your life ASAP!


    1. pheonixrising Avatar

      Hi Sofia Leo 🙂

      Yes, we must all be vigilant & aware of these social predators.
      I read your blog & it’s great so, keep blogging & don’t look at it as revenge driven, rather it’s closure, writing to get it out in the open & off your chest.
      I am going to write a book if I can & I am mindful of doing it in a respectful way to myself & my lack of self awareness back then etc…but, I have no intention of hiding or protecting my Soc as he will get as good as he gave with the one exception, I will be telling the truth behind the lies 🙂
      We need to speak out as emotional abuse is just as damaging as physical & some of us get both 😦

      Love & Light 🙂
      PR xoxo


  5. […] In the meantime, recommended reading: Entitlement is dangerous. Entitlement mixed with delusion is lethal.  The Sociopath Cocktail: Entitlement with a Splash of Delusion. […]


  6. thelionthatroared Avatar

    Reblogged this on From A Whisper To A Roar and commented:
    The Sociopath. Entitlement. Delusion. This describes the perpetrator I write about perfectly and it is strangely reassuring to know that you’re not the only one 🙂


  7. truthismyweapon Avatar

    Hi Paula,

    When I was trying to disengage from the sociopath who now stalks me, my husband and I started to call him “The Tar Baby” from Uncle Remus comics. The more we tried to get away, the more he would “stick to us”. All the while, he was telling me that he he wanted to be free from me. The tar baby was such a perfect metaphor for the way he clung to different family members if I was daring to leave.

    During that phase, any time he could get me alone, he would attack. Once, I nearly crashed into another car on the highway once because of his screaming at me. He was PO’d (apparently) because I drove my own car instead of letting him drive it. (I disagreed with him.)

    Another time he took a baseball bat to his broken down car and smashed it to pieces as a way of letting me know he could do the same to me. I had refused to buy him burglary tools.

    It’s costly to disagree with a sociopath, but it was a price I was more than willing to pay.

    Now I’m finding that I didn’t really get away at all.

    Thanks Paula. Your writing shows me I am on the right track!

    Let me apologize in advance in case he follows me here.


    1. Pheonix Rising Avatar
      Pheonix Rising

      Hey Truth 🙂

      That’s really odd because the other day I thought of my Soc as the fox with the tar baby & briar rabbit. How strange you should mention it…I am psychic so, what does it truly mean??? Have to think about this & yes you are right, he will keep stalking you forever until you break his hold.
      Have you de-corded fully from him?
      Write his name on a piece of paper, put it in a glass of water & put it in the freezer, this will help until you break the bonds.

      Love & light 🙂

      PR xoxo


    2. truthismyweapon Avatar

      Hi Pheonix Rising.

      Thank you for your response. That IS odd. It might be a bit of synchronicity for one or both of us. It’s unknown whether the fox won or not. I guess that means the rabbit has a chance of getting away. I like that! lol

      I have de corded him repeatedly in the past, yet here he is. I’ll try your technique and see what comes of that.

      I appreciate your suggetions. 🙂




  8. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

    Another thought occurred to me as well, so with each victim the NS, believes they become more and more super villain like, (let’s go with the action figure theme). No one tells them no, they are constantly glorified, their God complex grows. So what’s next? Sainthood? All I can find is how they make life on hell for the victims. Which we are all aware of, and trying to work through. What’s next for them?


    1. Paula Avatar

      I hope a real Judgment Day is what’s next for them. I can only hope. My judgment means nothing. Your judgment means nothing. It only means something if we refuse to allow these types into our lives and to walk away once we recognize we allowed one of these types in. The burden, in this lifetime, is on our shoulders. Justice comes in the form of remaining faithful and hopeful in human kind despite having been through hell on earth. By not allowing the affects of these types to ruin us, that’s justice. ❤


    2. Pheonix Rising Avatar
      Pheonix Rising

      Hi Paula 🙂

      Re the NS judgement day…I think you & others have created an awareness that will bring a lot more Soc’s & their despicable behaviour ‘OUT’ of the closet.
      The ability to share here & elsewhere is giving a lot of us the power of knowledge that we can ‘pay forward’.
      I think this ball is rolling & quite a few NS’s will be running to dodge the ball as it rolls over them 🙂
      We need to create & restore order in our lives & others so, the Soc doesn’t have the powers of illusion to hide behind.
      As women (& men) affected by NS’s we need to re-establish & adhere to our moral codes & boundaries, we need to validate our feelings & never compromise & we must ask our sisters (OW) to not perpetuate the ongoing abuse of NS’s by allowing them to move from one to the next.
      If they have a history of cheating & abuse, they will not change for anyone.
      Just think if we valued ourselves truly, madly, deeply they would never be able to break us down.
      I think we believe we are strong & we are but, something inherent in us allowed another to abuse us & that’s what we have to work on. Building stronger reserves of self worth & love 🙂
      Never accept the unacceptable, never think we deserve a beating, never compromise our worth. Never let someone undermine your authenticity. Never validate yourself by another’s motivations.

      Take Back Our Power, never give it to anyone.
      Your Power in your Life essence…..shape your manifestations to the highest possible level.
      Believe in the good & triumph over evil.

      This will be the Soc’s Judgement 🙂

      Love & Light 🙂

      PR xoxox


    3. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      I know, I forgive him, do not retain anger. Try to be positive, even in the darkest hour. Always proceed with grace and poise, in public. (LOL). I don’t have control of anything, except how I react to life, I choose to have a good life. Regardless, of how bad he wants me not to. It’s a my choice not his. His life choices will catch up with him, I know at night, I can sleep with what I’ve during the day. But then, he thinks he’s “perfect” and “it’s not his fault” just ask him! Hahahha! So I am sure he has no sleeping issues either. 😱! Seriously! I just have to laugh! But yes, at some point we all are judged. I do pray for him. Which is why I refer to him as The Monster, something is terribly wrong with him.


    4. Pheonix Rising Avatar
      Pheonix Rising

      NMI Smee again!!! 🙂 🙂

      They sleep like babies because they have no conscience & we have trouble sleeping because we process like mad trying to make sense of their ridiculous behaviour & how we let them get to us!

      I heard this song today & it rang bells with me….listen to it I was floored 😦
      Insanity vs Clarity….

      Love & light 🙂

      PR xoxox


    5. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      Court is tues – this was meltdown week, thank you all for participating. Sorry.


    6. Paula Avatar

      No need to apologize! We need an outlet for our meltdowns. I had one this week, too.


    7. anonymous Avatar

      I believe what you posted about Judgement Day waiting for those specific people. They deserve due to my hatred for them. You maybe right that sociopaths are delusional. But I have every right to blame them for it because I’ve dealt with people like them for a long time. And believe me, I can’t stand them at all!

      If you ask me, I’d be really tickled pink if this world would never EVER have this kinds of people. Besides, who wants to live in a world where you can never get a moment’s peace because many antagonists ruin it?


  9. pheonixrising Avatar

    Brilliant Paula & so so true & I fell hook, line & sinker (literally sunk) 😦

    Mine did all of the above (re your post) & I fought him many times mentally!!!

    I am not sure if I mentioned this revelation but, my Spath collects Royal Dalton Lady Figurines & has them displayed in a glass cabinet & loves them!

    His mid 20’s son (I call him wing-man) collects figurines of the ‘Predator’ from the movie of the same name!!! Has them in glass cases & was fully compliant with his fathers games etc…knew both me & the OW & ????
    My Soc is also a ‘Freemason’, the Masonic cult….figures doesn’t it!

    Thank-you for yet another relevant & revealing post 🙂

    Love & Light 🙂

    PR xoxo


    1. Paula Avatar

      When you remind me of his “collection,” I am amazed all over again. I have nothing against people having hobbies, but come on!! Hehe! I’d like to see one of those claymation, Celebrity Death Match episodes between the Royal Dalton Ladies and The Predator dolls. There would be no one left standing. 🙂


    2. pheonixrising Avatar

      Hi Paula,

      Re the ‘collection’ & claymation, I think the ‘predator’ would smash all the royal dalton ladies to pieces which is what the Soc does!
      To me these collections speak volumes about the Soc & his son & yes it’s really weird!
      I never received a figurine but, I know the OW did & his OW before me so, because I never got one I wonder what that meant???
      Who cares but, interesting all the same.
      I did get some nice perfume that I made him get, he used to give me stuff I didn’t like so, i told him buy what I wear or don’t bother 🙂
      I did get a lovely Mimco purse that I liked but, he didn’t bother to wrap it!!!
      He always liked me to call him “Master”, I would laugh & he would be annoyed & stare right in my eyes & insist I say it! I would say “Yes Master”, & secretly be thinking “are you fucking kidding moron!” 🙂
      I was far too nice to ever verbally say it but, I did think it a lot!
      Funny the things I did, really not myself at all?

      PR xoxo


    3. Faye Avatar

      RE: secretly be thinking “are you fucking kidding moron!” 🙂
      I was far too nice to ever verbally say it but, I did think it a lot!
      Funny the things I did, really not myself at all? WOW!! I thought the same thing over and over..but never would have used the language…although he certainly never had a hard time using it. I too, look back and see this person…that I don’t know, doing things that she would have never ever even entertained the idea of doing..and I wonder “what the heck”??? Was I just so gullible and naive ….or bored and lonely…???? that I would allow this to happen??? Nevertheless, I am so thankful and grateful to be OUT!! HAHA…That was always one of his favorite things to say to me to get me to settle down and “beg” him to not go….he would say OUT! Always in a text though..he was never man enough to say these things to me face to face…Coward….


    4. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      OMG, do they all do this? My ex also has obsessive collections of comics, baseball cards, and some other creepy things, if I mentioned he would know I was talking about him specifically. I call him a “weird adult toy collector”, but maybe not so much.


    5. pheonixrising Avatar

      Hi NMI 🙂 fancy meeting you here 🙂

      I think it would be interesting to find out, along with all the weird fetishes they seem to have as well.
      Another red flag maybe…never date a collector or fetish person??? 🙂

      I love your name & would pick NORMAL & BORING anyday 🙂

      Love & Light PR xoxox


    6. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      It’s true, my dad his life is “normal and boring” apparently. I tell him limited details of mine. Because he’s older and I don’t want him to have a heart attack “weren’t” raised like “this” and he still gives me hairy eyebrow looks. My EX, freak show, but people of substance, (in my experience), can see what is wrong with him, and are uncomfortable in his presence. It’s people who are good natured (fixers) or looking for “something”. Court is tues, I don’t foresee it going well. So I am very sad.


    7. Pheonix Rising Avatar
      Pheonix Rising

      Hi NMI 🙂
      I am sending you a message from Archangel Sandalphon (google him) he’s looking after you always 🙂
      His message is: ‘Be very gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations, & environments.”
      You need to stay peaceful & centred for Tuesday, listen to music that clams/comforts you & your frame of mind. Do things that create peace within 🙂
      Retreat for a few days & revive your spirit so that you are strong for Tuesday.

      Archangel Ariel also has a message for you 🙂
      “Be courageous & stand up for your beliefs”. 🙂

      Ariel will protect you on Tuesday 🙂

      Be Brave, you are not alone.
      Love & Light 🙂

      PR xoxo


    8.  Avatar

      Thank you – I usually use my go-to man, Archangel Michael. It’s interesting, you sent me a note just now, my birthday is Sunday, so I am laying low, trying to calm my mind, and soul. I can not control the world around me, just my self and my actions. I am intelligent, logical and confident but I am not going to bit off more than I can chew either. I just got the mediation report. The whole thing reads like fiction. So, it’s a coin toss? But I am letting my attorney worry about it, she gets paid for that kind of stuff! :). Thank you and I will use your advice. By the way, I am 28, for the 11the time! YAY ME!


    9. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      Stupid computer logged me out – that was me grr – I am sure you all figured it out, with my awesome computer skills, not! So The monster has no talked the kids into being with him, on my birthday, which I already fully expected. See people, this is the difference between a normal parent and a NS. He is sitting there all happy. While a normal person would sit back and go “No, it’s your mom or dads birthday, the right thing to do is to be with them, I will see you the next day or whatever.” Not him.


    10. Sex, Spirit, Soul Mates and Chocolate....Ivonne's Journey Avatar

      Paula, my ex-narc is married and he collects “girlfriends”.


    11. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      So does mine, I found a Pinterest expression “Don’t feel so special, my ex F***S everyone”. It’s like they have one everywhere! Some know about the other ones, some don’t. Some are one nighters, (one hoursers). And of course, the current “Public”, who doesn’t know she is a big victim, and won’t for a very long time. Makes me sad for me, sometimes them, but more me. (Lol). I can’t escape him, I have 2 children who love his sicko self, they don’t see it. When they do, they will blame me, it’s always the blame game. God, I want to run away sometimes. 😱😎! Lol!


    12. Pheonix Rising Avatar
      Pheonix Rising

      HI SSS&Choc 🙂

      Mine never divorced his wife & collects woman like a trophy hunter.
      He’s the one with the Royal Dalton collection & his son collects Predator figures!
      His ex took half his Royal Dalton collection in a property settlement worth $million & sold them on ebay LOL.
      He was upset & I thought it was funny, now I realise the symbolism of them & it’s so creepy!
      He never gave me one but, he has to others so, I guess I wasn’t really in the prized collection thank god or I’d be trapped in a glass case forever!!! Just like his ex.
      He still controls her via his wing-man & adult son & daughter. He really is a very sick man!
      He’s also a Commander & now living with the OW (Dr Of Sociology) she is loaded & has a title & social network & he loves to feel important so, right up his ally for now.
      She knows he’s a Soc so,god help her 😦

      Love & light 🙂

      PR xoxox


    13. Pheonix Rising Avatar
      Pheonix Rising

      Hi NMI 🙂

      I am so sad hearing that he wants to ruin your birthday & have the kids 😦
      My Soc did everything he could to ruin his ex-wife so, I am not surprised he uses the children 😦
      Can you call some friends & go out & celebrate?
      If I was there I’d take you out 🙂 or get drunk with you & we could grab a shovel & bury the B@#*&%D! LOL
      Just play along as your used to his crazy games & don’t let him get the better of you 🙂
      You can celebrate with the kids another day & make it special 🙂
      let’s face it when you are finally free of him it will be a real birthday to celebrate so, lets hope & pray that’s not too far away.
      He’s a selfish P*#@K & is just performing his bag of Soc tricks (sigh) they really aren’t worth the air space.
      Take care & be strong 🙂

      PR xoxo


    14. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      Lol – nah I just smiled and was like enjoy your daddy, kisses. It’s all good. Thank You. It is what it is. I look back and wish I was a better daughter to my father. I don’t blame my children one tiny little bit, how can you? When someone is as “Magnificent” as he is? If he’s so great, then why wasn’t I begging to stay with him? Or any other of his children’s mothers? Hmmm? I am sure if you ask him, it’s because we were at fault. Ha!


    15. Pheonix Rising Avatar
      Pheonix Rising

      LOL yes he will never take the blame & I have seen first hand the way they control & manipulate their children.
      Mine was so magnificent they covered for him & they are in their late 20’s & 30’s!
      It would be great to really see him get his comeuppance but, they are a law unto themselves so, all you can do is love your children & they will be okay.
      My Soc’s children love their mother & although they rarely cross their father I know the daughter doesn’t respect him cause she told me so!
      Just be kind to yourself & stay strong 🙂

      PR xoxo


    16. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      It’s really sad because I saw how he ruined my older sons with drugs and alcohol. They are barely coming out of his purple haze now. The older kids are angry because I brought him into our lives, the younger ones still want him to be the daddy of the dreams. Well, it’s court time. So of course he’s doing what he does best. Act, in fact he should win an Oscar for best NS performance “Acting like I care, because in the long run, I don’t and it’s only benefitting me anyway”. In the Fatherhood category. Normal people call them A**holes.


    17. Pheonix Rising Avatar
      Pheonix Rising

      NMI 🙂

      If you radiate love & light you will throw your Soc right off balance 🙂
      Remember he wants to see you suffer so, don’t give him the satisfaction.
      It drives them nuts when you rise above them & show compassion for them being soulless creatures.
      Take their superiority complex away from them, disempower him by not engaging on any level. His game with you is over, remember it is just a game for him & you are no longer playing.
      Concede but, do not consider it a loss as you have lost nothing but, a Soc & no-one wants that prize.
      In other words just remember you are much better than him, you are strong because you now know just what you are truly dealing with.
      I have dealt with a Soc first hand this way & when I didn’t play the game they were confused but, didn’t bother me again.
      Once they realise that you can not be manipulated they literally stop dead.
      However you still have to interact with them as I have done but, you will find that with practice & focusing on your children the Soc will tire & leave you alone 🙂
      Mirror them back & mimic them, they really hate it & never let them get to you in front of the children.
      If you need to speak your truth to them, wait until you are alone & let them have it, they run like blind mice 🙂

      Love & Light 🙂

      PR xoxox


    18. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      Oh I don’t do anything anymore, I don’t bother to speak truth. I say “ok” or “that’s nice”. Everything I say about him is perceived as talking bad about him. So I shut my mouth, they will have to figure out how he is on there own.


    19. pheonixrising Avatar

      Good for you NMI 🙂

      It’s funny but, they seem to like that they provoke that response from you etc…
      I remember the OW in my saga saying that is how she spoke to the Soc & she’s still with him??? Just comply she said, as that’s what he likes???
      I don’t know why she would stay with a guy who’d cheated their entire relationship & had her second guessing herself…Sheesh?

      Just be yourself & don’t let him have the satisfaction of you not being your normal wonderful self, except in front of him I guess?
      Normal is GOOD 🙂

      Love & Light & Good Luck Tues 🙂

      I will be sending you my thoughts 🙂

      PR xoxo


    20. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      You are so right, and I am taking your advice to heart. Why am I going to put myself in situations which I know are hurtful! So I am laying low, being calm, thinking positive and realistic. What is done in darkness always is brought into the light. What is spoke in secret, will be shouted from rooftops. Maybe not on Tuesday, but eventually the truth has a way of making its self know. I am at peace with it, does it hurt my feelings still, of course. He thinks he won, but no he didn’t there are no winners. I remember one time he and I were fighting during our marriage, I was incredibly wild (free and high spirited). He told me “You need to be broken of your attitude!”. My response “I am not a horse, you WILL NOT break me”. For those of you who don’t know, you have to somewhat break a horses spirit to get a rider on its back. (Short version). The point being, Today I feel pretty good, sometimes I get down. I can’t change what is to come, its out of my hands, but neither can he. I can only control how I respond to it. Which will be with dignity, poise and the grace of God, because on a daily basis, I strive to be just that.

      Thank you PR XOXO



    21. pheonixrising Avatar

      Hi NMI,

      You should be proud of yourself, I am 🙂
      He has not broken your spirit it is still in you & you have found it again 🙂
      So get out into that field & flick that proud tail & shake that wild mane, & gallop freely 🙂 🙂

      He does not define you, nor does your life with him.

      You are in your own Power again & no-one will ever take that from you again.
      Be Happy, you have won something it’s you 🙂

      Happy Birthday 🙂

      Love PR xxx


  10. Sex, Spirit, Soul Mates and Chocolate....Ivonne's Journey Avatar

    I only have two things to say, 1- Jedi-mind control and 2- Glamouring by Vampire 🙂


    1. Paula Avatar

      You’re so funny but so right, Ivonne.


  11. Carrie Reimer Avatar

    Reblogged this on Ladywithatruck's Blog and commented:
    once again Paula knocked it out of the park!! Oh entitlement, JC should have his picture in the dictionary beside the word entitlement!!


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you, Carrie!


  12. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

    I think you should of displayed a picture of the louse she was married to as well. He was another crafty, NS. What I find more interesting, I was using this movie (just last night) as an example to my boyfriend, who has difficulty understanding my ex-husband. Explaining why you (us) can not engage him in verbal (or physical) sparring or show visual upset, etc. because it is exactly what he wants NEGATIVE REACTION AND UPSET. In fact when he says something to me which upsets me so badly I could become physical ill on the spot, I simply look at him smile and say “I am happy for you, congratulations!” Or whatever polite statement fits, always with a smile. He has this confused look on his face. In side I am like yeah got ya bitch, you will not own my emotions, I do! Because everything The Monster says is a lie, he has had almost 14 years to watch me. He knows what to say to hurt me, I know who I am, I am not perfect, but I am genuine. I am a average person, with average faults, ethics and attributes. I love people just like everyone else, with all my heart. The only difference between us all, is what these monsters are after. Be it money, houses, medical benefits, social status, etc. Or just to say, I beat you, control. 😝!


    1. Paula Avatar

      It’s so true! Any reaction is a good reaction for the sociopath, because strong-willed and good people will NEVER agree with the sociopath’s delusions. And disagreeing feeds these fools. They’re bullies who never out grew the playground and instead think the entire world is their playground! It’s one thing to enjoy life to the fullest. It’s a completely other thing to do it while exploiting and destroying people just because you can. 🙂


    2. Girl for Animal Liberation Avatar

      I completely agree. When I ran into my EX Narcissist and his woman, I smiled the entire time. I didn’t get upset or do anything crazy/stupid. I refuse to allow him to have control over me, whether in person or from a distance.


    3. normalisboringsoiheard Avatar

      Unfortunately, we are usually at the courthouse and I have to respond, “hmm that’s interesting” is usually my throw down, courtesy smile and turn. I agree, it’s like dodgeball and the mean kid has the ball and is slamming it hard at everyone to get them out. No wonder I never participated in that horrid game in grade school. Who wants to be intentionally hit?


    4. Pheonix Rising Avatar
      Pheonix Rising

      Happy Birthday NMI 🙂

      Have a great day 🙂

      Love PR xoxox


    5. pheonixrising Avatar

      I keep putting NMI 😦 should be NIB 🙂


  13. kimberlyharding Avatar

    Your work is always so good. You capture the energy perfectly. I agree with your statement that the sociopath believes you must think as he thinks. This is so absolutely true! Actually one things after another that you list is so accurate. Sociopaths do not like creativity, individuality, or anyone to feel a sense of power (other than them). Great post!


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you, Kimberly! The crazy thing is that they assume the rest of us get “high” off of power, so their quest for power is somehow justified. Thinking like that takes the delusional cake! 🙂


  14. Faye Avatar

    WOW!! Spot on!! I made a mistake…..was asked to listen to this person he explained how he cannot get on with his life without me in it….I listened…I was ..for a moment..mesmerized by his words…. I listened intently as he droned on and on about how HE had pursued me..wanted me and needed me. How HE was deserving of happiness and how his live is miserable with the one he is with… That I was it for him….UGH UGH UGH!!!! What brought me outta my temporary stupor??? When he said this to me….” Look, you know I am the best looking guy you have ever known…you know that….you know you have always wanted me ….I make you tick….Now…lets just forget all this other happened and start where we left off….I have a new song I’d like to give to’ll love will make you cry……You can thank me later…………….” That’s when I knew..I knew for certain I am done forever with this monster….His sense of entitlement is overwhelming…He deserves??? Deserves what??? Another chance??? YUCK!!! Thank You Paula for always knowing what to say…and when to say it….a reminder that these people really are the dregs of the earth…..


    1. Paula Avatar

      You’re welcome, Faye. You give a great example, too, of how they try pulling us back into their lives with lies and more delusions. Uuuugghh!


    2. pheonixrising Avatar

      Hi Faye 🙂

      My Soc said in a text message when he was exposed to me by the OW & was now with her that “I can & will move on” to me???

      He would say “Well let’s leave it at that then!” & I would say “Do you want to end it”, & he would say “No but, your obviously not happy!!!”
      I would look puzzled & he would say ‘Now are you going to stop asking questions?”, “Let’s drop it then”, & off we’d go again!!!
      I was befuddled & numbed down & once I said “So if I said okay to leaving it,would you contact me?” to which he replied, “Of course but, I’d leave it a few months for you to clam down!!!”…..what was I thinking????
      Arrrg & in the early parts I did just leave it & he had his friends call me…grown men in their 40’s calling on his behalf etc…he even had his best friend call me after the discard to find out if I was okay!!! Who does that???
      A Soc that’s who!

      Love & light Faye 🙂
      So glad we are finally free of the most bizarre person/people we’ve ever met 😦

      PR xoxox
