24 responses to “Buy My Book”

  1. Your next stop on The Great Sociopathic Abuse and Recovery Blog Tour! | Love—Life—OM Avatar

    […] for true and profound healing and transformation. Since 2012, I’ve self-published two books, Escaping the Boy: My Life with a Sociopath and Unashamed Voices, and written hundreds of online articles for various publications, including […]


  2. Letting Go of Perfect | Love—Life—OM Avatar

    […] After posting Sociopaths, Approval and Victim Perfectionism yesterday, I thought I’d share how I discovered the root cause of my perfectionism, which I believe primed me for being a perfect target for the sociopath from my past. […]


  3. The Exorcism of the Sociopath: Victim to Survivor | Paula's Pontifications Avatar

    […] I am more focused and determined to finally compile this blog into my second book, a follow up to Escaping the Boy. I’ve even come up with a working […]


  4. Baby Talk and the Narcissistic Sociopath | Paula's Pontifications Avatar

    […] boy in my story always pulled out the baby talk when he wanted something. He was a needy bastard (probably like the […]


  5. Tips for writing and sharing your story of abuse | Paula's Pontifications Avatar

    […] my abusive relationship before I was able to transfer my internal conversation to paper and begin writing my story and subsequently transferring it to my blog. Some survivors take much, much longer. Some […]


  6. sammyraebull Avatar

    This was an AMAZING book!!! I’m a writer as well, it was as if you took the words and thoughts right out of my head! More proof were not the”crazy” ones!!!! Great inspiration! Thank you!


    1. Paula Avatar

      You’re welcome. Thank YOU!


  7. Melanie Avatar

    I’m not finished yet, but I have to tell you…WOW! What a door you have opened.


    1. Paula Avatar

      You’ll have to expand on what you me when you finish, Melanie. 🙂


    2. Melanie Avatar

      I will. I just don’t want to comment too much before I finish the story. I got hit over the head with the NPD & sociopath characteristics (door opened) and had to step away for a couple of days. Now my Kindle is just under the screen of my computer at work and I have been stuck to every single solitary page. I’ll be finished with it by the time I get home tonight.
      You are so talented with words and I love all the little asides…


    3. Paula Avatar

      Wow! That means a lot coming from you, Melanie, because I truly admire your writing and how you powerfully communicate through your words. 🙂


    4. Melanie Avatar

      I have finished. I finished before I left work and went to watch my baseball game. I am in awe. What you have managed in so few pages is just amazingly powerful. Fiction or not, more not than fiction, this is what people need to understand the normal of DV. You took us thru the process of demoralization. Your book has helped me. You are so honest with the experience that I believe your words will save someone’s life. Truly. You come across in the asides, the “who the hell thinks like this” comments. Those really brought it home because they weren’t the recall of event, they were the You that he couldn’t destroy. The boy tried to destroy you, and you were more than that. You are hope. You are survival. You put the key where it needed to be.


    5. Paula Avatar

      Melanie, I don’t know what to say other than “Thank you!” My hope all along has been to save someone, anyone, who might see them self in me and my experience and realize they still have enough power within them to get out and live the happy life they were meant to live.


  8. escapingdarkness Avatar

    I have already bought it and read it. A very interesting read! Kat 🙂


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you, Kat!


  9. Melanie Avatar

    Perfect timing. I was just wondering what I would read this weekend.


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you so much!! 🙂


    2. Melanie Avatar

      I read a lot of bloggers with published books. I need to go through the list and read some of these. Who knows, maybe I’ll get inspired, but I doubt it. I just don’t think I have a book in me.


    3. Paula Avatar

      Of course you do; we all do! You can be the editor for my next book I have tentatively titled “I survived a sociopath. So can you! A guide to healing and recovery from domestic violence and relational abuse.” Hehe!


    4. Melanie Avatar

      I saw the blip about you having another book out in 2013. It must be exciting and hard to put something like this together. I mean, the memories!, that is what crushes me right out of writing a book. Of course, in a year or so, my blog might just have what I need without having to dive back into hell.


    5. Paula Avatar

      Exactly! And I am using the stories of others to help “fill” some of the pages of my new book. I continue to revisit some crappy stuff, but I keep in mind that it’s necessary for demonstration purposes and can help someone else. I sometimes feel like when I write about the specifics, I am doing it in an out-of-body way.


    6. Melanie Avatar

      Someone once asked me how I could write so frankly about some things. My answer was something like, I draw on my journalism background to minimize the emotions.


  10. meandanxiety Avatar

    Good luck with your book! 🙂


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you!
