How to stay motivated to complete a 30-day Bikram yoga challenge

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2012 Bikram Yoga Challenge BoardI finished! (That’s me pointing to my nameย and 30 stickers on the challenge board.) How did I stay motivated even when I wanted to quit some days?ย There are no secrets. The following worked for me.

  1. Let as many people know your intention to complete the challenge.
    The more people who know, the more people will be asking you every day, “So, how many days are left?” You don’t want to answer, “Oh, I quit.” Do you?
  2. Get a challenge buddy (or 2 or 3).
    This can be done directly or indirectly. If you are new or simply don’t have friends at the studio, pick someone’s name off the board and follow/stalk his/her progress. It’s definitely psychological but effective.
  3. Don’t neglect your family.
    If you are married, in a partnership, or have children, they’re probably your biggest supporters. So, even when you are feeling tired or overwhelmed by the yoga, do things with and for your family. They’ll be more inclined to maintain their support throughout the 30 days. And remember to say, “Thank you, Baby, for respecting how much this means to me.”
  4. Keep talking about how the challenge is making you feel.
    Even if you feel like crap some days, share it. You would be surprised by how many people will tell you, “Well, just don’t stop. You’re so close.”
  5. Be lazy, eat right, drink lots of water,ย and sleep when you can.
    Do I need to explain this one? ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Encourage other yogis in the challenge.
    Through encouraging others, you encourage yourself and the entire room.
  7. Keep smiling.


15 responses to “How to stay motivated to complete a 30-day Bikram yoga challenge”

  1. K. R. Juzwin, Psy.D. Avatar

    Congrats! You and your work are very inspirational!


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you!


  2. Phoenix Avatar

    Well done ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Paula Avatar



  3. gorgeousocity Avatar

    WOOHOO! Well done!


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thanks so much!


  4. passiveaggressiveabused Avatar

    Hi, Paula,

    Congratulations on completing your challenge! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I tagged you on my blog.


    Have fun! ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thanks! I think you’re putting me through another challenge, huh? ๐Ÿ™‚


    2. passiveaggressiveabused Avatar

      This one’s probably a LOT easier!! ๐Ÿ™‚


    3. Paula Avatar

      I’m all over it!


  5. rootstoblossom Avatar

    Woohoo! What a great accomplishment! So how do you feel now, other than proud? Do you feel more peaceful, stronger, motivated to try something else?


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thank you! I feel more alive and positive about practically everything! My body and mind are both stronger and knowing this provides me much peace. I would love to get certified to teach yoga to children within the next 6 months. I am also motivated to write more and to plan a novel or collaborate with someone on a health-related book.


  6. lukescott313 Avatar

    awesome!! you motivate me :):)


    1. Paula Avatar

      Thanks! You have a beautiful blog. I am anxious to read more.


    2. lukescott313 Avatar

      likewise ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
